As the chill in the air becomes more prevalent it is hard to deny that summer is over and the new school year is in full swing. The “honeymoon” period...
Are you in need of revamping your child's bedtime routine? Tired of the struggles in getting your child to bed?  Check out this simple strategy to help your child stay...
Summer is in full swing and it’s a perfect time to make special memories with your family. As parents and caregivers we have the gift of helping to shape the...
There has been a decline in the number of Americans receiving psychotherapy along with an increase in the use of psychotropic medication in those who are treated in outpatient settings. ...
Does your child throw tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants? Does he hit his younger sibling? Does she respond, "No!" when you ask her to do something? Does...
With Father’s Day approaching this weekend, the following articles highlight the pivotal role dads play in their children’s development.  Having a close and trusting relationship with parents is predictive of...
There are many exciting new discoveries to report in autism research and resources. Recent research suggests that parent concerns about their children’s symptoms at 6-12 months of age often predicts an...
Does your child throw tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants? Does he hit his younger sibling? Does she respond, “No!” when you ask her to do something? Does he refuse to...
Dr. Laura Rubin will talk with parents about “Kid’s and Anxiety: When It’s More Than Just the Jitters” A significant number of youth struggle with anxiety.  Anxiety symptoms can negatively impact...
  Does your child throw tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants? Does he hit his younger sibling? Does she respond, “No!” when you ask her to do something? Does he refuse to...