Our daily lives continue to change as we all are learning how to live with the transitions brought on by the pandemic, COVID-19. One of the biggest challenges facing parents...
Dear Families, We are closely monitoring the status of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We know this is a stressful time and are committed to remaining open and available for you for...
Dr. Laura Rubin recently facilitated a conversation “Talking About Tough Topics” with parents at Families First in Portsmouth, NH.  She discussed how technologic innovation has transformed media and its role...
As an executive functioning coach at the Portsmouth Neuropsychology Center, I help provide children and adolescents the tools they need to help improve their organization, time-management, goal-setting, and study skills. ...
Holiday lights, celebrations, magical moments. Fatigue, stress, and meltdowns. How can such a special time of year bring out the worst in our children?  As parents well know, this holiday period can...
  Are you like many parents and find yourself fighting with your child about completing their homework?  Finishing their chores?  Finding their water bottle which has been left behind for the...
Can you believe that back in the 19th century, doctors blamed reading disabilities on bad eyesight, calling dyslexia “word blindness?”  Of all children identified as having a learning disability, 70-80%...
Dr. Rubin will be speaking to parents at Families First (100 Campus Drive, Portsmouth, NH) on Thursday, 10/24/19 from 9:30-11:00 am about “Anxiety in Youth.” To RSVP, please register at
Summer is winding down and preparation has begun for the start of a new school year.  For many of us, making the trek to your favorite store to purchase notebooks,...
Planning the Perfect Vacation   Trying to plan a family vacation?  Not sure where to start?  Summer can be a wonderful opportunity to plan some quality down time with family...