If you provide 24-hour notice, there is no fee for missed or cancelled sessions. However, if notice is provided with less than 24 hours or not given at all, a...
CPT Codes – Neuropsych Testing Code                    Description 96116                   Intake 96138                   Technician neuro/psychological testing/scoring (first 30 min.) +96139                 Technician neuro/psychological testing/scoring 96136                   Professional testing (first 30 min.) +96137                 Additional Professional testing after first 30 min. 96146                   Automatized...
Yes.  The clinician is available to talk through any questions you may have.  If more in-depth consultation is required following the actual feedback session (i.e., more than 30 minutes of...
Yes, with your permission.  We welcome the opportunity to learn more about your child in other settings.  After you sign a release form, we can contact specific...
For neuropsychological evaluations, we evaluate children as young as 18 months to those who are school-aged, adolescents, and adults.  For psychotherapy, we treat children, adolescents, and...
A neuropsychological evaluation is a specialized type of assessment to better understand a client’s strengths and challenges across several domains, including intellectual, academic, language, memory, fine-motor, attention, executive functioning, memory,...
There are several scenarios where an evaluation conducted by a school psychologist may be helpful.  However, there are many differences between evaluations conducted through the school district versus ones provided...