Our newest team member, Dr. Marguerite Genest provides organizational coaching, educational consulting, facilitates groups, and conducts workshops for schools, community agencies, and at the workplace.
Organizational Coaching
Coaching services are provided for children, adolescents, and adults. Coaching includes an initial client intake, data collection, and development of an individualized intervention plan prior to starting 1:1 coaching. Organizational coaching is helpful for individuals who struggle with the following: Time Management, Prioritization, Organization of their Materials, Forgetting to Turn in Homework, Preparing for Tests/Meeting Deadlines, Initiating Tasks (e.g., Homework, Work), Emotional Control, Sustaining Attention, and Working Memory.
Educational Consulting
Educational consulting services are provided for children, adolescents, and young adults. Dr. Genest works with clients and other professionals to develop an individualized plan for enhancing cognitive development, learning, academic skills, attention, and social-emotional and behavioral functioning. Consultation plans are appropriate for the following client needs:
- Consultation with Clients and Schools
- Vocational and Adult Transition Consultation
- Special Education Consultation
- School/College Planning Consultation
Dr. Genest facilitates groups for children, adolescents, and adults. Group topics include mindfulness, social skills, and parent support/education.
Teacher and community workshops can be provided about a range of topics related to learning and social-emotional well-being. Additionally, such workshops can also be provided in the workplace to help improve overall productivity.